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发布时间:2018-10-02   阅读:





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教授,博士生导师,六合彩论坛 副院长,智能计算与信息处理教育部重点实验室常务副主任。湖南省湖湘青年英才,湖南省青年骨干教师培养对象中国高等教育学会教育数学专业委员会第 5 届副秘书长、常务理事湖南省运筹学会第3届常务理事。曾多次赴新加坡国立大学、澳门大学访问曾获宝钢优秀学生特等奖全国仅51)。

主要从事数值代数、控制理论、优化算法等方面研究。近五年在计算数学、控制领域权威期刊SIAM J. Numer. Anal.、SIAM J. Sci. Comput.AutomaticaJ. Comput. Phys.、J. Sci. Comput.、CSIAM Tran. Appl. Math.发表和接收发SCI论文20余篇。



指导博士研究生7人,硕士研究生25人。指导的研究生入选中国科协青年托举工程博士生计划,获博士后特别资助湖南省优秀硕士论文湘潭大学校长奖特等奖、博士生国家奖学金、线性解法器算法与性能优化竞赛三等奖等,在计算数学、控制领域权威期刊SIAM J. Sci. Comput.、SIAM J. Numer. Anal.、Automatica发表学术论文多篇


2009.09-2013.06   湘潭大学数六合彩论坛   应用数学       博 士

2006.09-2009.06   湘潭大学数六合彩论坛  运筹学与控制论   硕 士

2002.09-2006.06   湘潭大学数六合彩论坛  信息与计算科学   本 科

2020.12-至今  六合彩论坛-香港六合彩论坛-六合彩高手       教 授

2015.12-2020.12   六合彩论坛-香港六合彩论坛-六合彩高手      副教授

2013.07-2015.12   六合彩论坛-香港六合彩论坛-六合彩高手      实验师

2024.08-2024.08   新加坡国立大学数学系          访问学者

2023.08-2023.08   新加坡国立大学数学系          访问学者

2023.01-2023.01   新加坡国立大学数学系          访问学者

2021.07-2021.07   澳门大学数学系              访问学者

2017.12-2018.12   新加坡国立大学数学系          访问学者

2015.08-2015.09   澳门大学数学系              访问学者

2014.12-2017.11   国防科学技术大学理六合彩论坛         博士后



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[1].K. Jiang, X. Li, Y. Ma, Juan Zhang, P. Zhang, Q. Zhou, Irrational-window-filter projection method and application to quasiperiodic Schrödinger eigenproblems, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysisaccepted, //arxiv.org/abs/2404.04507, 2025 (SCI).

[2].S. Li, Juan Zhang, A general alternating-direction implicit Newton method for solving complex continuous-time algebraic Riccati matrix equation, Applied Numerical Mathematics, 207, 642-656, 2025 (SCI).

[3].Juan Zhang, S. Li, K. Jiang, Two effificient block preconditioners for the mass-conserved Ohta-Kawasaki equation, Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, online, //arxiv.org/abs/1910.09297, 2025 (SCI).

[4].Juan Zhang, W. Xun, Low-rank alternating direction doubling algorithm for solving large-scale continuous time algebraic Riccati equations, International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, accepted, //arxiv.org/abs/2404.12155, 2025 (SCI).

[5].J. Ge, J. Liu, Juan ZhangThree-precision iterative refinement with parameter regularization and prediction for solving large sparse linear systems, //arxiv.org/abs/2501.04229, 2025.

[6].S. Shi, Juan ZhangComments and extensions on "State-equivalent form and minimum-order compensator design for rectangular descriptor systems", //arxiv.org/abs/2501.13445, 2025.

[7]. K. Jiang, S. Li, Juan Zhang, High-accuracy numerical methods and convergence analysis for Schödinger equation with incommensurate potentials, Journal of Scientific Computing, 101(1), 18, 2024 (SCI).

[8]. Juan Zhang, W. Zou, C. Sui, BDF method and random forest method to solve  continuous-time differential Riccati equations, Asian Journal of Control, online, 2024 (SCI).

[9]. Juan Zhang, X. Liang, Further results of M-eigenvalue localization theorem for fourth-order partially symmetric tensors and their applications, Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation, 14, 3134-3161, 2024 (SCI).

[10].Juan Zhang, W. Xun, Low-rank generalized alternating direction implicit iteration method for solving matrix equations, Computational and Applied Mathematics, online, 2024 (SCI).

[11].K. Deng, Y. Wen, K. Li, Juan Zhang, Hybrid model of tensor sparse representation and total variation regularization for image denoising, Signal Processing 217, 109352, 2024 (SCI).

[12].K. Jiang, M. Li, Juan Zhang, L. Zhang, Projection method for quasiperiodic elliptic equations and application to quasiperiodic homogenization, //arxiv.org/abs/2404.06841, 2024.

[13].W. Zou, Juan Zhang, X. Jie, K. Jiang, Quasiperiodic [110] Symmetric tilt FCC grain boundaries, //arxiv.org/abs/2406.03023, 2024.

[14].K. Jiang, M. Li, Juan Zhang, L. Zhang, Convergence analysis of PM-BDF2 method for quasiperiodic parabolic equations, //arxiv.org/abs/2412.19175, 2024.

[15].Juan Zhang, W. Zhao, Existence of solutions for the continuous algebraic Riccati equation via polynomial optimization, //arxiv.org/abs/2408.13780, 2024.

[16].Juan Zhang, J. Luo, Convergent analysis of algebraic multigrid method with data-driven parameter learning for non-selfadjoint elliptic problems, //arxiv.org/abs/2410.23681, 2024.

[17].Juan Zhang, Y. Luo, A preconditioned iteration method for solving saddle point problems, //arxiv.org/abs/2404.06061, 2024.

[18].Juan Zhang and X. Luo, Optimization methods for solving matrix equations, //arxiv.org/abs/2404.06030, 2024.

[19].Juan Zhang, Y. Luo, Preprocessed GMRES for fast solution of linear equations, //arxiv.org/abs/2404.06018, 2024.

[20].K. Jiang, Juan Zhang, and Q. Zhou, Multitask kernel-learning parameter prediction method for solving time-dependent linear systems, CSIAM Transactions on Applied Mathematics, 4(4), 672-695, 2023 (SCI).

[21].Juan Zhang, and X. Chen, Z-eigenvalue localization sets for tensors and the applications in rank-one approximation and quantum entanglement, Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, 186, 10, 2023 (SCI).

[22].K. Jiang, X. Su, Juan Zhang, A general alternating-direction implicit framework with Gaussian process regression parameter prediction for large sparse linear systems, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 44 (4), A1960-A1988, 2022 (SCI).

[23].Juan Zhang J. Liu, F. Luo, A class of fixed point iteration for the coupled algebraic Riccati equation, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, 68,4119-4133, 2022 (SCI).

[24].Juan Zhang and S. Li, On the Hermitian positive definite solution and Newton's method for a nonlinear matrix equation, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 69(11), 2093-2114, 2021 (SCI).

[25].Juan Zhang and H. Kang, The generalized modified Hermitian and skew-Hermitian splitting method for the generalized Lyapunov equation,  International Journal of Control,  Automation and Systems, 19, 339-349, 2021 (SCI).

[26].Juan Zhang and S. Li, The structure-preserving doubling algorithm and convergence analysis for a nonlinear matrix equation, Automatica, 113, 108822, 2020 (SCI).

[27].J. Liu, Juan Zhang and Q. Li, Upper and lower eigenvalue summation bounds of the Lyapunov matrix differential equation and the application in a class time-varying nonlinear system, International Journal of Control, 93(5), 1115-1126, 2020 (SCI).

[28].Juan Zhang, H. Kang and F. Tan, Two-parameters numerical methods of the non-symmetric algebraic Riccati equation, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 378, 112933, 2020 (SCI).

[29].Z. Chen, Juan Zhang, K. Ho, H. Yang, Multidimensional phase recovery and interpolative decomposition butterfly factorization, Journal of Computational Physics, 412, 109427, 2020 (SCI).

[30].J. Liu, Juan Zhang and F. Luo, Newton's method for the positive solution of the coupled algebraic Riccati equation applied to automatic control, Computational and Applied Mathematics, 39: 113, 2020 (SCI).

[31].Juan Zhang and S. Li, The structure-preserving doubling numerical algorithm of the continuous coupled algebraic Riccati equation, International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, 18(7), 1641-1650, 2020 (SCI).

[32].Juan Zhang and F. Tan, Numerical methods for the minimal non-negative solution of the non-symmetric coupled algebraic Riccati equation, Asian Journal of Control, 23, 374-386, 2019(SCI).

[33].Juan Zhang and J. Liu, The matrix bounds and fixed-point iteration for the solution of the discrete algebraic Riccati equation, IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information, 36, 681-699, 2019 (SCI).

[34].J. Liu, Juan Zhang, L. Zhou and G.Tu,The Nekrasov diagonally dominant degree on the Schur complement of Nekrasov matrices and its applications, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 320, 251-263, 2018 (SCI).

[35].Juan Zhang, J. Liu and H. Huang, Lower eigenvalue bounds on summation for the solution of the Lyapunov matrix differential equation, Asian Journal of Control, 19(1), 382-390, 2017 (SCI).

[36].Juan Zhang, J. Liu and Y. Zha, The improved eigenvalue bounds for the solution of the discrete algebraic Riccati equation, IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information,   34(3), 851-870, 2017 (SCI).

[37].Juan Zhang, J. Liu and Q. Li, Lower bounds on eigenvalue summation for the solution of the Lyapunov matrix differential equation, IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information, 34(3), 987-998, 2017 (SCI).

[38].G. Li, J. Liu and Juan Zhang, The disc theorem for the Schur complement of two class submatrices with r-diagonally dominant properties, Numerical Mathematics: Theory, Methods and Applications, 10(1), 84-97, 2017 (SCI).

[39].J. Liu, L. Wang and Juan Zhang, New matrix bounds and iterative algorithms for the discrete coupled algebraic Riccati equation, International Journal of Control, 90(11), 2326-2337, 2017 (SCI).

[40].J. Liu, L. Wang and Juan Zhang, The solution bounds and fixed point iterative algorithm for the discrete coupled algebraic Riccati equation applied to automatic control, IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information, 34(1), 1135-1156, 2017 (SCI).

[41].J. Liu, Y. Wang and Juan Zhang, New upper matrix bounds with power form for the solution of the continuous coupled algebraic Riccati matrix equation, Asian Journal of Control, 19(2), 730-747, 2017 (SCI).

[42].J. Kai, Juan Zhang and Q. Liang, Self-assembly of asymmetrically interacting ABC star triblock copolymer melts, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 43(19), 14551-14562, 2015 (SCI).

[43].J. Liu and Juan Zhang, New upper and lower eigenvalue bounds for the solution of the continuous algebraic Riccati equation, Asian Journal of Control, 16(1), 284-291, 2014 (SCI).

[44].Juan Zhang and J. Liu, The improved upper solution bounds of the continuous coupled algebraic Riccati matrix equation, International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems, 11(4), 852-858, 2013 (SCI).

[45].Juan Zhang and J. Liu, Lower solution bounds of the continuous coupled algebraic Riccati matrix equation, International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems, 10(6), 1273-1278, 2012 (SCI).

[46].Juan Zhang and J. Liu, New matrix bounds, an existence uniqueness and a fixed-point iterative algorithm for the solution of the unified coupled algebraic Riccati equation, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 89, 527-542, 2012 (SCI).

[47].J. Liu, Juan Zhang and Yu Liu, The Schur complement of strictly doubly diagonally dominant matrices and its application, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 437(1), 168-183, 2012 (SCI).

[48].J. Liu and Juan Zhang, New upper matrix bounds of the solution for perturbed continuous coupled algebraic Riccati matrix equation, International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems, 10(6), 1254-1259, 2012 (SCI).

[49].J. Liu and Juan Zhang, Upper solution bounds of the continuous coupled algebraic Riccati matrix equation, International Journal of Control, 84(4), 726-736, 2011 (SCI).

[50].J. Liu and Juan Zhang, The existence uniqueness and the fixed iterative algorithm of the solution for the discrete coupled algebraic Riccati equation, International Journal of Control, 84(8), 1430-1441, 2011 (SCI).

[51].J. Liu and Juan Zhang, The open question of the relation between square matrix's eigenvalues and its similarity matrix’s singular values in linear discrete system, International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems, 9(6), 1235-1241, 2011 (SCI).

[52].J. Liu, Juan Zhang and Y. Liu, New solution bounds for the continuous algebraic Riccati equation, Journal of the Franklin Institute, 348, 2128-2141, 2011 (SCI).

[53].J. Liu and Juan Zhang, Bounds for the eigenvalues of the continuous algebraic Riccati equation, International Journal of Systems Science, 42(10), 1747-1753, 2011 (SCI).

[54].J. Liu, Z. Huang and Juan Zhang, The dominant degree and disc theorem for the Schur complement of matrix, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 215, 4055-4066, 2010 (SCI).