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发布时间:2021-09-02   阅读:

In order to promote exchange and cooperation between young Chinese probability scholars around the world, discuss how to enhance international status of young Chinese probability scholars, and encourage and help young domestic students interested in probability theory to go more successful on the road of further study, we hold this conference.  


This (offline + online) conference focuses on the following four probability frontier topics:

 (1) SLE and Liouville quantum gravity.

(2) SPDE and statistical physics.

(3) Discrete probability, statistical physics and theoretical computer science.

(4) Random matrices and mathematical physics.

For each topics, there are 3-4 talks such as 1-2 surveys (including introduction of related international groups and experts), 1 talk on various level problems (need or not), and a roundtable academic discussion for young scholars on the same topic (including how young students to study further on the topic).


(1) SLELiouville量子引力。

(2) SPDE和统计物理。

(3) 离散概率、统计物理和理论计算机科学。

(4) 随机矩阵和数学物理。



Meeting time(会议时间):  

October 1-3, 20212021101-3日).

Meeting Venue(会议地点): 

(Offline) Xiangtan Huayin International Hotel(线下,湘潭市华银国际大酒店.

(Online) Tencent Meeting, Zoom Meeting(线上,腾讯会议、Zoom会议).


School of Mathematics and Computational Science, Xiangtan University六合彩论坛-香港六合彩论坛-六合彩高手 . 

Hunan National Center for Applied Mathematics湖南国家应用数学中心.


Conference Organizing Committee(会议组织委员会):

向开南(负责人)  张汉君(负责人) 刘韶跃  谭激扬  吴竹  赵佳丰 贺心怡

李英(联系人):   15652964535    [email protected]

张利娜(联系人): 18207321586    [email protected]

邹浪(联系人):   15898575903    [email protected]



Conference Academic Committee(会议学术委员会


Ø SLE and Liouville quantum gravitySLELiouville量子引力):

Wu Hao, Tsinghua University(吴昊,清华大学)

Sun Xin, University of Pennsylvania, USA(孙鑫,美国宾夕法尼亚大学)


Ø SPDE and statistical physicsSPDE和统计物理):

Wang Zhenfu, Peking University(王振富,北京大学)

Xu Weijun, Peking University许惟钧,北京大学)

Zhang Deng, Shanghai Jiao Tong University(张登,上海交通大学)

Zhu Rongchan, Beijing Institute of Technology(朱蓉禅,北京理工大学)

    Zhu Xiangchan, AMSS, Chinese Academy of Sciences(朱湘禅,中国科六合彩论坛 数学与系统科学研究院)


Ø Discrete probability, statistical physics and theoretical computer science离散概率、统计物理和理论计算机科学)

He Hui, Beijing Normal University(何辉,北京师范大学)

Jiang Jianping, Tsinghua University(姜建平,清华大学)

Li Xinyi, Peking University(李欣意,北京大学)

Qiu Yanqi, Wuhan University(邱彦奇,武汉大学)

Wang Longmin, Nanaki University(王龙敏,南开大学)

Wu Wei, NYU-Shanghai(吴炜,上海纽约大学)

Yang Shangjie(杨尚杰), IMPA, Brazil & Bar-Ilan University, Israel

Zhang Yuan, Peking University张原,北京大学)


Ø Random matrices and mathematical physics随机矩阵和数学物理)

Li Yun, University of Wisconsin Madison, USA(李韫,美国威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校 

Liu Dangzheng, University of Science and Technology of China刘党政,中国科技大学)

Zhang Lun, Fudan University(张仑,复旦大学)
